SC House Passed Human Life Protection Act

February 16, 2023

On February 15, 2023, the South Carolina House passed the Human Life Protection Act, H. 3774. This is in response to the South Carolina Supreme Court finding the previous Heartbeat Law was unconstitutional.  The law clearly states the scientific fact that life begins at conception and the the bill removes the SC judicial bypass loophole. Now parental consent will be required for a minor to seek an abortion.  York County Representatives Pope, Ligon, Moss, and Felder were all co-sponsors of the Bill, and Representatives Sessions and Guffey voted in favor of the Bill.

Yeas 83; Nays 31
Those who voted in the affirmative are:


Bailey                   Ballentine               Bannister
Beach                    Blackwell                Bradley
Brewer                   Brittain                 Burns
Bustos                   Chapman                  Chumley
Connell                  B. J. Cox                B. L. Cox
Crawford                 Cromer                   Davis
Elliott                  Erickson                 Felder
Forrest                  Gagnon                   Gatch
Gibson                   Gilliam                  Guest
Guffey                   Haddon                   Hager
Hardee                   Hayes                    Herbkersman
Hewitt                   Hiott                    Hixon
Hyde                     J. E. Johnson            S. Jones
Jordan                   Kilmartin                Landing
Lawson                   Leber                    Ligon
Long                     Lowe                     Magnuson
May                      McCabe                   McCravy
McGinnis                 Mitchell                 T. Moore
A. M. Morgan             T. A. Morgan             Moss
Murphy                   Neese                    B. Newton
W. Newton                Nutt                     Oremus
Pace                     Pedalino                 Pope
Robbins                  Sandifer                 Schuessler
Sessions                 G. M. Smith              M. M. Smith
Taylor                   Thayer                   Trantham
Vaughan                  Weeks                    West
White                    Whitmire                 Willis
Wooten                   Yow


Those who voted in the negative are:


Anderson                 Bamberg                  Bauer
Carter                   Clyburn                  Cobb-Hunter
Dillard                  Garvin                   Gilliard
Henderson-Myers          Hosey                    Howard
Jefferson                J. L. Johnson            W. Jones
King                     Kirby                    McDaniel
J. Moore                 O'Neal                   Ott
Pendarvis                Rivers                   Rose
Rutherford               Stavrinakis              Tedder
Thigpen                  Wetmore                  Wheeler


Paid for by the Reaganites of York County
York County, SC
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