York County Senators are most Conservative in South Carolina

The 2022 CPAC ratings of State Legislatures was just released and York County has the two most conservative Senators in South Carolina. Senator Wes Climer is ranked first with a rating of 93 and Senator Michael Johnson is ranked second with a rating of 86.  Senator Harvey Peeler is ranked 14th with a rating of...

Senator Wes Climer Scores Highest Grade in Americans for Prosperity Scorecard

Americans for Prosperity–South Carolina (AFP-SC) unveiled its 2023 Legislative Scorecard, which showcases the voting records of state lawmakers from the recent legislative session. You can access the full scorecard at SCScorecard.com.  AFP scored votes on the following bills from the 2023 legislative session: H3019 | Destruction of arrest records H3295 | Education: Competency-based education H3591...

Reaganites Award Dinner

On Friday, June 16, 2023 the Reaganites hosted their annual awards dinner for the elected officials from York County.  Congressman Ralph Norman was the guest of honor and helped present the awards to our elected officials.  On this night we said thank you to all the elected officials for their willingness to serve and to build...

Freedom Caucus Wins Lawsuit

The South Carolina Freedom Caucus won its lawsuit against the House of Representatives Legislative Ethics Committee to give the Freedom Caucus the same rights as other legislative caucus.  Under South Carolina Law, SC Code, Section 2-17-10, the Freedom Caucus was not allowed to raise money, influence the outcome of an election, or engage in political...

Fentanyl Trafficking Passed House and Heading to Governor

On June 7, 2023, H. 3503, Trafficking in Fentanyl passed the House of Representatives after amendments in the Senate and is heading to the Governor’s desk to become law.  The bill passed the Senate 45-0 and the House 103-1, with Democrat Representative Deon Tedder being the lone No vote.

Heartbeat Bill Signed by Governor McMaster

On May 25, 2023, Governor McMaster signed S. 474, the Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion Act, into law.  The law bans abortions after 6-weeks but includes exceptions for the life of the mother, fetal fatal anomaly, and victims of rape and incest. You can read the Governor’s announcement here. Governor’s Announcement  

Governor McMaster Signs Certificate of Need Repeal

On May 17, 2023, Governor Henry McMaster signed S. 164 which repeals the certificate of need requirements for most health care facilities in South Carolina.  Reaganite, Senator Wes Climer, the primary sponsor of the law has worked for many years to ensure South Carolinians will have greater access to health care by eliminating the certificate...

House Passed Heartbeat Bill

After 26 hours and hundreds of amendments by Democrats, the SC House passed the S. 474 Fetal Heartbeat and Protection from Abortion on May 18, 2023.  The vote was mostly along party lines and passed 82 to 33. The original Senate bill was amended in the House and now heads back to the Senate, where...

Gavin’s Law

Gavin’s Law

NewsMay 21, 2023

On Thursday May 18, 2023, Governor McMaster signed Gavin’s Law, making sexual extortion, or sextortion a crime in South Carolina. The law is named after Gavin Guffey who died by suicide last year after being a victim of sextortion. The law was sponsored by Gavin’s father, Representative Brandon Guffey and passed both the House and...

Paid for by the Reaganites of York County
York County, SC
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